Feb 28, 2023
Meet the Small School with the Extraordinary Courage to Innovate
If you missed attending NAIS – or just missed the session – Ian traveled to Las Vegas last week to share a case study featuring a small school with the extraordinary courage to innovate. Meet Wheeling Country Day School in West Virginia, which really became a case study of using COVID 19 as an accelerant to develop a new revenue center to sustain the school and evolve student impact.
As a small school (less than 250 students) in a declining demographic market, WCDS has become an innovative disruptor by leveraging technology to deliver specialized tutoring services through out-of-school networks in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. This innovation has had a multiplier effect on the campus and through their newly branded Edge division of the school. The case study involved scenario planning, pitfalls and successes so attendees could identify possible similarities in their own schools and learn to take on the task themselves.
To read the entire case study or download the presentation, please click here.