Mar 24, 2021

ISA Lauches Second NCAIS and SAIS Resiliency Cohort


We are launching our second learning cohort in the “Learning from Crisis: Building Resilient Schools” today. A strategic partnership with both the North Carolina and Southern Associations of Independent Schools, we will be helping school executive leadership teams build new delivery, financial, and enrollment models for the future. Our first cohort featured 20 schools and over 85 leaders from across the Southeast. Today, we have nearly 15 schools and 55 school leaders from the same region, all working and learning together.

Learning from Crisis is a series that we have developed in response to the industry need for post-pandemic responsive planning. It is a four session, cohort-driven, collaborative learning model, led by Ian Symmonds, featuring both synchronous and asynchronous work. Schools work with their own leadership team to distill critical issues, analyze dashboard data, consider change barriers, and create detailed resiliency plans. This series is the third that we have completed, including one for the Association of American Schools in South America and another for NCAIS/SAIS.

ISA is considering offering a summer session in resiliency planning to schools and colleges across North America and the globe. We are currently gauging interest. If your school is interested in such a series, please post a comment below or drop us a DM @symmonds on Twitter.

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