Apr 24, 2020
ISA Launches On-Demand Virtual Consulting Sessions
We’ve been busy with schools and college associations, participating in nearly a dozen regional and national webinars through the course of the past month. We have received feedback from some schools and colleges that seek more individual assistance beyond these webinars.
To assist more schools and colleges as they navigate and plan for the challenges that they will face in the coming weeks and months, Ian Symmonds & Associates has launched on-demand virtual consulting sessions. These individual sessions with Ian are designed for clients who could benefit from strategic guidance on an as needed basis.
These one-hour engagements will be conducted via Zoom and can focus on a variety of topics, including:
Strategic enrollment management and scenario building
Short-term strategy development
Leadership and management during moments of crisis and business interruption
Please contact Samantha Foley, lead project manager, via email at sam@iansymmonds.org for more information. You may also simply register and pay in order to schedule a session here.