Jul 28, 2016
Ian to Keynote at NCAIS for Strategic Enrollment Management
Ian will be keynoting a special, two day strategic enrollment management summit for the North Carolina Association of Independent Schools. The summit will be held on November 15 and 16 at Ravenscroft School in Raleigh and Charlotte Christian School in Charlotte.
The Summit will help participants develop an understanding of Strategic Enrollment Management as an integrated model of Recruitment, Retention, and Revenue. Independent school trends and statistics, both national and NC specific will be shared along with detailed demographic data and projections from across NC. Focused topics will include strategies for driving kindergarten enrollment, how to best utilize net tuition revenue, and internal vs. external advertising and marketing.
In this day-long session, Ian will guide attendees through a series of highly interactive modules designed to engage participants in generative discussion and collaboration. Participants will begin to develop a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan that will include key components of information and data management, research and analysis, admissions, recruitment, retention, financial aid and net revenue, and marketing communications.
For more information, please visit the conference page.