Sep 19, 2014
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
ISA is pleased to announce the following upcoming speaking engagements for Isn Symmonds and our associates. More information regarding each of these conference can be found on their respective websites. And, as always, we will assign Twitter hashtags and share our content for each session.
October 17, 2014 – Finaliste Web Strategy Workshop
Keynote: Ian Symmonds
Topic: The Web as Anchor to Your Overall Institutional Strategy
Location: San Francisco
October 24, 2014 – Puget Sound ESD Conference
Session: Kelly Laboe
Attracting Students Through Smart Marketing
Location: Seattle
February 1, 2015 – CASE District II
Keynote: Ian Symmonds & Robert Rytter
Topic: Integrated Marketing at It’s Best – Axioms and Case Studies
Location: Washington, DC