Oct 28, 2024

ISA to Lead Strategic Planning for CAIS

We are excited to announce that we will be partnering with the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) to develop their next strategic plan. CAIS, a national network supporting leadership, education, and governance in independent schools, plays a vital role in advancing educational excellence across Canada.

This weekend, Ian kicked off their annual 2024 Heads and Chairs Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. His keynote: Major Shifts and Trends Facing Our Industry and How Schools Can Respond, explored the evolving challenges independent schools face and insights on how schools can adapt and innovate. If you missed the keynote and would like access to the slides, you can download them here: Forecast of the Future: Major Shifts and Trends Facing Our Industry and How Schools Can Respond.

We look forward to working with CAIS on this exciting project over the next 18 months, and are honored to help shape the future of independent education in Canada.

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