Apr 6, 2012
ISA Virtual – Crafting Key Messages
How do you build an effective messaging program based upon distinctiveness, positioning, and important consumer attributes. Join us on Friday, April 13 at 10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern for the fifth in our ISA Virtual series for a session on “Crafting Key Messages to Drive Promotional Objectives“. Our session will focus on key exercises to build messaging concepts from core institutional strengths as they overlap with the competitive marketplace.
Who should attend? Any college, university, school, or non-profit officer playing a lead role in shaping the communication their organization. This webinar will provide extraordinary opportunity for participants to learn how to build their communication program through key messages, how to arrive at key messages, and best practices in the implementation of a messaging program.
To learn more or to register, visit our ISA Virtual page, download the ISA Virtual Fact Sheet, and make sure you register no later than 5 PM Pacific on Thursday, April 12.