Mar 8, 2012

Expert Use of Social Media

A compelling visual representation is the best expression of an organization’s unique identity, and, many agree, nothing is better than the power of video. No other media — including print, digital photography, or text — can effectively represent an organization’s culture to the outsider.

Thanks to the confluence of technology and creative forces, we are experiencing a revolution in viral videos.  So where does your organization or school begin the process of incorporating viral videos into your promotional efforts?

Join Ian and a host of other experts at the first ever edSocialMedia Summit in San Francisco on April 4.  The edSocialMedia Summit is the place to be for professionals involved in the use of social media in any way in their organization.  An all-star lineup of social media veterans are gathering with one goal: to help you create conversation, build community, and generate action – like giving your organization money or enrollment!  You won’t want to miss this!  ISA clients are offered a special discount for attending the conference if they follow this link for registration.